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Apr 22, 20234 min read
Exploring Upcycling for Earth Day (Plus, a MAJOR giveaway with food waste fighting Canadian brands)
Each year, around 35.5 million tonnes of food is tossed, resulting in $49.46 billion Canadian dollars wasted. 32% or 11.2 million tonnes...

Eva Perchanok
Jan 1, 20214 min read
5 Reasons to try Veganuary this year
If you’ve never heard of Veganuary, you might want to check your living space to make sure it is not under a rock. Just kidding, we don’t...

Eva Perchanok
Aug 24, 20201 min read
10 Ways to Reuse your Pulp Crunch jar
If you are a jar collector like me, here are a few ways that you can upcycle, reuse and add new life to your empty Pulp Crunch jar (or...

Jul 5, 20204 min read
Food Waste across the Supply Chain
You already know Bruized is all about fighting food waste by upcycling imperfect produce and juice pulp into our products. Today, we’d...

Saffron Locas-Hoeltken
Jun 17, 20204 min read
The benefits of FIBRE - and why Pulp Crunch is loaded with it!
As a dietetics student, I am regularly asked “what is the best thing you can eat?” Unfortunately, there is no one “miracle” food, a...

Apr 5, 20202 min read
A Year of Bruized: Challenges to Opportunities
We can’t believe it’s been almost a year since we launched Bruized! What an amazing first year of operations we’ve had, with tonnes of...
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